Saturday, April 28, 2007


My dreams amaze me so much. Last night the Native Americans came to me, I was watching TV in the dream and there they were. They were looking at me and they didn't say much at all just stared. Then I was swimming in Mexico with a beautiful looking man, the currents were calm. He led me to a bridge, the ocean was greenish blue, the water was under the bridge. We were intensely kissing and it felt 100% real. He asked me how I knew that he wanted to come to Mexico. I said because this is where your from and he kissed me so many times. I loved it, and maybe he's going to be the next man in my life. I have been single for two years now trying to figure myself out. But, I just want to love myself before another man comes along. I learned a lot of things about relationships, the reason why I could not accept love all the time is because I did not love myself. Once I know who I am, then the right man will come my way its all about being patient, having something to offer, and having a lot of love to give. If I could describe myself in one word it would be passionate. When I express my feelings good or bad, its always in a passionate way wether its about politics, life, spirituality, or how people have treated me in the past. I will never change that part of me ever, and all the suffering I've been through makes me so much stronger.